-Sekretara FS ubili ispred kancelarije
- Sume transfera igraca vecita nepoznanica, narocito za Poresku upravu
- Status klubova jos veca nepoznanica
- Liga namestena
- 90% meceva namesteno
- Igraci van reprezentacije vide reprezentaciju samo kao vid sopstvene promocije pre odlaska
u strane klubove
- Igraci reprezentacije vide nastupe u reprezentaciju kao izvor povrede i smanjenja zarade u
stranim klubovima
- Nijedan fudbalski sudija nikada optuzen cak ni za saobracajni prekrsaj- Selektora biraju po nepoznatom kriterijumu
- 54% stanovnistva ima osnovnu skolu ili nizi nivo obrazovanja, ovo po starim kriterijumima
UN a po novim ne znanje rada na racunaru automatski znaci da je osoba nepismena, tako da se
procenat nepismenih u Srbiji vrti oko 85%
- BNP je najnizi u Evropi racunajuci i istocnu Evropu.
- 6 % stanovnistva ima fakultet ili visu skolu
- Nivo zdravstvene zastite nalosiji u Evropi
- Stopa kriminala medju najvecima
- 50 % osnovnih skola nema nikakav toalet
- Godina ocekivanog clanstva u EU 2020
- Vakcinacija dece najlosija u Evropi
- Broj ljudi koji su napustili zemlju zbog losih uslova zivota 300,000
- Nemogucnost priznavanja sopstvene krivice za bilo sta lose na svim nivoima vlasti

Sve se vec unapred znalo,a pocelo je pozivanjem sina u reprezentaciju! Ali ostavimo sad
to... Necemo komentarisati, bilo bi suvisno, ali necemo ni zaboraviti, bilo bi previse
glupo! Samo oni koji imaju takav koeficijent inteligencije i bezobrazluka kakav ga ima Ilija
Petkovic, Miljan Miljanic i ostali kerovi u Fudbalskom savezu SCG i Fudbalskom savezu Srbije
nisu hteli,a bogami,nisu ni bili sposobni da vide sta ce da se dogodi. Ja,koji nisam niko i
nista u fudbalu,samo ga gledam i navijam za Zvezdu. Oni ionako misle da su najbolji za
pozicije na kojima jesu, kao da su do njih dosli trudom i zalaganjem, a ne protekcijama i
nepotizmom... A rezultat!? Ma,opet ce neko drugi da bude kriv,jer oni sami su bezgresni...
I dokle vise tako!!!?
E pa jos malo! Jos samo malo...!!! Jos samo jedna utakmica! I kad zavrsi, vi fudbalski
nesposobnjakovici, mesetari i hohstapleri u Fudbalskim savezima i vi jadne i bogate jajare
od fudbalera, jos jednom se nazderite, kako rece jedan momak prije par dana, prasetine, a
kad se vratite kucama bice i jagnjetine... Onda lepo sedite u svoje skupe, luksuzne i nicim
zasluzene automobile, pa svako na svoju stranu! Sto dalje, to bolje
  A onda, nema vise plavi dres (Terziću samo probajte da ga ne obojite u crveno!), nema vise
nepostojece drzave, nema vise "Hej, Sloveni"! Kada se sledeci put okupite vi koji budete
pozvani od novog selektora kojeg ce da izabere potpuno novo rukovodstvo FS Srbije, upamtite
sledece: uz vas uvek cemo biti i mi Delije Sever, jer cast je navijati za svoju zemlju, a vi cete da imate cast da igrate za istu tu zemlju, za Srbiju, za "Boze pravde", a bogami, I ZA ZIVU GLAVU!!! :batine

Odakle vam samo snage da posle onog pokolja pisete o jebenoj reprezentaciji  :bes .
Не даје онај који има паре,већ онај који има душу."


Matori ti si se bas potresao?

Niko u ovoj reprezentaciji nije vredan ni pomena a kamoli rasprave ili kidanja zivaca. Jedino mi je zao sto oni u svetu reprezentuju moju zemlju pa svet shvata njihovu bruku kao bruku moje zemlje, sto je neispravno.

Pokolj ni prvi ni poslednji kao sto ti je i poznato.... , svi ti izdajnici,pohlepne i sitne duše,prevaranti i cinkaroši izrodi i pasja vera,čije udarce  podnosimo.  U krvi su dosli tako treba i da odu, sve im jebem KOMUNISTIČKO! :bes

Quote from: "Maj 25"Matori ti si se bas potresao?

Niko u ovoj reprezentaciji nije vredan ni pomena a kamoli rasprave ili kidanja zivaca. Jedino mi je zao sto oni u svetu reprezentuju moju zemlju pa svet shvata njihovu bruku kao bruku moje zemlje, sto je neispravno.

Ovo je zamka. Ni ja se nisam potresao previse, ali oni jesu predstavljali Srbiju i tu nema greske. Nase je zato da se borimo da za selektora Srbije vise nikada nemamo jos jednog klona Miljana Miljanica i da se iz svih fudbalskih foruma sklone stari, nesposobni, 'jagnjece brigade' kadrovi.
Posle ovog danas ceo svet nam se smeje, na nivou smo Saudi Arabije sa proslog S.P. (nemoguce je da ce neko doziveti tezi poraz).
Sve fudbalske analize pocinju sa 'nema vise slabih protivnika, fudbal je izjednacenog kvaliteta'..i to je istina, osim kad smo u pitanju mi, koji smo na S.P. zalutali (kao i na ep u beneluxu)..Najlakse je reci da ovo nije nasa bruka..realno jeste, nasha je.
Sada treba uciniti sve da se ne dogodi nista slicno kada nam konacno zasvira Boze Pravde.
..кажу да причам много...

Могла би ова тема да се закључа.

Све што желим рећи, да куцнуо је последњи час!
Не буде ли Звезде, тада неће бити ни нас!

QuoteA ukrajinci bi taj izgovor ipak mogli sa vise prava da upotrebe...

Они су изјавили да нису могли спавати због жаба - ћак су једни играчи изгубили живце па их хтели сами протјерати  :lol:

Quote from: "lucky_star"Могла би ова тема да се закључа.

Definitivno! :rofl  :rofl  :rofl  :batine  :batine  :batine

Dosta je receno o nasoj reprezentaciji. Prvenstvo nije ni zavrseno a vec predstoje uzbudljive borbe. Zao mi je sto ne igraju Engleska-Nemacka ali valjda ce se ukrstiti kasnije. Nemojte vise komentarisati o SCG jer ce opet tema biti zakljucana.

Definitivno najzanimljivija utakmica na SP do sada je odigrana veceras u Studgartu izmedju Hrvatske i Australija. Australija je poslala nase susede kuci. Kriminalno sudjenje ( drugi gol iz ofsajda Australije, Tomasovo igranje rukom u 16m i 3 zuta Simunica), 4 gola, 3 crvena, greske Kalaca ...
O ovom mecu ce se dosta pricati... bar do 1/8 finala.

Јесте ли гледали Драмана данас? ;pljuga Изгледа да још није сигурно да ли је потписао са оним турцима, јер га је данас коментатор неколико пута споменуо као играча Црвене звезде!А и нигде на интернету, осим на Б92  не пише ништа о његовом преласку. :finger

Mercury News, 11.06.2006.

Soccer zeal runs high, but won't stop wars
By Daniel W. Drezner

The soccer World Cup is under way, which means a flurry of desperate attempts by tournament promoters to excite Americans about an event that electrifies the rest of the world. This year is no different. ESPN, which will broadcast most of the games in the United States, is airing a series of ads with members of the rock band U2. In one, Bono says the World Cup ``closes the schools, closes the shops, closes a city and stops a war.''

If stopping a war seems like an exaggeration, another ad explains soccer's peace-building qualities in more detail: ``After three years of civil war, feuding factions talked for the first time in years, and the president called a truce. Because the Ivory Coast qualified for the World Cup for the first time. Because, as everyone knows, a country united makes for better cheerleaders than a country divided.''

Does the World Cup really put a stop to war? Does soccer, known for its dangerously rowdy fans, have the conflict-reducing powers that ESPN and U2 proclaim? To be charitable to the World Cup, the evidence is mixed. It is undeniable that soccer has the power to unite -- but its power to divide should not be underestimated.

The belief that sports can be a source of peace dates to the start of the modern Olympic movement. But social scientists are split on whether competitive sports reduce or inflame conflict. A 1973 article by Richard Sipes in the journal American Anthropologist distilled the debate into two simple, but contrasting, arguments. One is that combative sports and war are substitutes for aggressive behavior -- that the presence of sports is a healthy way for people to discharge their competitive urges. The other is that sports induce a warlike attitude, abetting conflict rather than reducing it.

Sipes tentatively concluded that sports foster aggression. It is possible, however, that the worldwide appeal of soccer (well, minus the United States and Canada) has a pacifying effect. Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer recently declared that once the tournament starts, ``a football will become the symbol of our one world.''

There are certainly tangible examples of soccer soothing the savage beast of war. What did the British and Germans do during the famous 1914 Christmas truce across the trenches during World War I? They played a soccer match (the Germans won, 3-2). During the peak of popularity for Brazilian soccer phenom Pelé, the combatants in the Biafran war in Nigeria declared a two-day truce so they could watch him play. Of course, in both cases, the cessation of conflict was only temporary.

Soccer has also functioned as a useful outlet for postwar grievances. For generations after World War II, the conflict resonated in soccer matches between the Netherlands and Germany. Franklin Foer, editor of the New Republic and author of ``How Soccer Explains the World,'' argues that the Dutch did not fully recover from the war until Dutchman Frank Rijkaard spat on Rudi Voller's mullet during a 1990 second-round World Cup match. Rijkaard's loogie was the only shot fired in restoring Dutch pride.

Successful teams have also provided the occasional boost for national comity. The Ivory Coast example cited in the ESPN ad works here. Since 1999, the country has been mired in coups, rebellions and ethnic conflicts. When the national team -- the Elephants -- qualified in October 2005, the head of the Ivory Coast Football Federation pleaded with President Laurent Gbagbo to restart peace talks. Elections are scheduled for October of this year. While a truce is in place, however, Human Rights Watch warned in May that both government and rebel forces were devoting their energies to terrorizing civilians.

The problem is that historically, soccer has been just as likely to be the trigger for war as the trigger for peace. The best-known example took place in June 1969 between El Salvador and Honduras. Immigration and border disputes between the two countries had reached a boiling point at the same time that a three-game elimination match between the two national teams was taking place. Rioting during the second game led the two countries to break diplomatic relations. Two weeks later, the 100-hour Soccer War took place, resulting in about 2,000 casualties.

Soccer also played a role in the run-up to the Balkan wars of the 1990s. In March 1990, Red Star Belgrade, a Serbian team, faced Dinamo Zagreb, a Croatian team, in the Croatian capital for a league title, a scant two weeks after Croatia elected nationalist Franjo Tudjman as president.

According to Foer, that day was the first time in a half-century that Serbs and Croats openly fought each other. Red Star and Dinamo fans became so violent that the Serbian team had to be taken away by helicopter.

Fifteen years after the match, the Zagreb daily Vecernji observed, ``The game that was never played will be remembered, at least by the soccer fans, as the beginning of the Patriotic War, and almost all of the contemporaries will declare it the key in understanding the Croatian cause.''

The leader of Red Star's ultra-nationalist fans -- the Delije -- was the notorious Arkan. He later recruited from the Delije to form the paramilitary force that engaged in ``ethnic cleansing'' of Croats and Muslims during the war, and he ultimately was the victim of a gangland-style killing.

While success at the World Cup can bolster national pride, losing can reap the whirlwind. A working paper by business professors Alex Edmans, Diego Garcia and Oyvind Norli finds that ``losses in soccer matches have an economically and statistically significant negative effect on the losing country's stock market.'' Some individual players suffer consequences worse than that. Colombian defender Andrés Escobar, responsible for an own goal in a 1994 World Cup loss to the United States, was killed upon returning to his hometown of Medellín.

Soccer will never bring about peace on its own. The flip side is also true -- by itself, soccer cannot start a war. The World Cup, like the Olympics, suffers from a case of overblown rhetoric. Bono's assurances to the contrary, the passions inspired by the World Cup embody both the best and worst forms of nationalism.

DANIEL W. DREZNER will be an associate professor of international politics at the Fletcher School at Tufts University starting in the fall. He wrote this article for the Washington Post.

Све што желим рећи, да куцнуо је последњи час!
Не буде ли Звезде, тада неће бити ни нас!


Pošto niko neće da postavlja slike navijačica, moram ja. Evo jedne naše gore list ... :jebanje

... i da, ustaše su nekoliko puta naglašavale na hrt-u da HAMINU DRAMAN IGRA ZA BEOGRADSKU CRVENU ZVEZDU ... :D Bravo, mali!

Jos da je barem jedan dobar pas dao za vrijeme svoje 'igre'...
color=red]Siamo nati per amarti e viviamo per seguirti! RSPG[/color][/i]

Quote from: "Red Squad Podgorica"Jos da je barem jedan dobar pas dao za vrijeme svoje 'igre'...

Ја сам гледао до оног тренутка када је дао гол, до тада је прилично добро играо, имао је неколико добрих центаршутева...

Inače, nastavlja se tradicija da na svakom SP na kojem igra repka Zvezdin igrač da gol, a na poslednja tri (uključujući i ovaj) dakle i bez obzira na to igra li repka. Elem, 1998. Deki Stanković (Juga-Nemačka 2:2), 2002. Milenko Aćimović (Slovenija-Paragvaj 1:3), 2006. Nikola Žigić (SCG-Obala Slonovače 2:3), Haminu Draman (Gana-SAD 2:1). Tek da se zna ... :sampion

Ispravka- Protiv Nemacke u Lansu, Dejan Stankovic nije bio strelac nego Mijatovic. Deki nije dotakao loptu kod prvog gola, a prakticno je u gol ugurao nemacki igrac posto se odbila od stative.Taj gol je prvobitno pripisan Dekiju, ali je posle usledila ispravka i kao strelac se vodi Mijat. Bio sam na toj utakmici inace.
..кажу да причам много...

Фотка дана!

Све што желим рећи, да куцнуо је последњи час!
Не буде ли Звезде, тада неће бити ни нас!

Quote from: "lucky_star"

Фотка дана!
Kako ide ona reklama? Bekstvo iz grada, u centar grada...
,Устаните људи и  подигните чела, јер битка свих битака је давно почела, боримо се за, планете наше спас, против јебене Америке подигнимо глас! Устаните људи са вером у Бога, да ослободимо Земљу од смрада њиховога!"