QuoteSlazem se, ali opet sam te pitao drugo, no nema veze.
Samo stavka pod brojem 1..nadam se da se salis, ako si bio u Sa, jedini izlaz iz grada je bio kroz tunel ispod piste ili preko piste koju su drzali srbi na pocetku rata, ali kasnije dosao un. Kako mislis nije bio u okruzenju??

Очигледно нисмо били на истој страни!!! ;pivo

Па једноставно, имали сте несметано снабдјевање муницијом, оружјем, људством...да ли то теби личи на град који је у блокади?

Da ispod zemlje...   :zbunjen

Vi (koji se, nakon svega, raspravljate sa poturicama/hrvatima) kao da sebe, u stvari, ubedjujete/utvrdjujete u Istini/u koju nas narod vec desetlecima, odnosno stolecima, placa, Vaistinu, glavama, a ne njih! Jer da nije tako, dragocenijim/smislenijim bi nasli brojanje kamencica na plazi i musica u vazduhu, nego ubedjivanje sa otpadnicima i dzelatima sopstvenog/2 naroda. Ali sta vredi ...

Kome se ne svidja ovaj topic, ko ne vidi svrhu i poentu ovog topica i slicno, neka ga zaobilazi. Kratko i jasno!

Quote from: "херцеговац"
Па једноставно, имали сте несметано снабдјевање муницијом, оружјем, људством...да ли то теби личи на град који је у блокади?

Malo ironicno i napravljeno ali otprilike je to tako:

Загребачки недјељник Глобус је у посједу кључних извјештаја МУП-а и Противбавјештајне агенције (ПОА), из 2003., о мрежи јатака што су осам година скривали хашког оптуженика Ивицу Рајића, а које Влада РХ није доставила Карли Дел Понте.
У једном од тајних извјештаја ПОА-е што га је десет дана након хапшења Ивице Рајића, 15. априла 2003., на 12 страница саставио тадашњи в.д. директор ПОА-е Фрањо Турек, нагађа се о одговорнима за највећи сарајевски масакр.

Турек тврди како је Рајић, као командант Зборног подручја Кисељак, 1993. и 1994. био одговоран за гранатирање муслиманских дијелова Сарајева.

"...извори су указивали на неразјашњену одговорност Рајића за гранатирање сарајевске тржнице Маркале којом приликом је страдао већи број цивила", наводи Турек инсинуирајући да је Рајић, а не Срби како се досад мислило, одговоран за испаљивање гранате од које је погинуло више од 70 људи, што је био један од најстрашнијих ратних призора у Сарајеву".

Oko 90% su bili stranci. Komandanti tih mudzahdina su u hagu i nek odgovaraju ako su krivi-ocigledno-dok svoje velicate na sav glas iako su vise nego krivi.

Ovo potenciras non stop.Hag (farsa od suda) nije ni priblizno raspisivao poternice za vasim raznoraznim generalima tj. onima koji su krivi za zlocine dok su sa nase strane raspisali poternice skoro za svakoga ko je uopste ucesvovo u ratu. I lako je vama da se sad pravite fini i isporucujete komandante u Hag kad ste pred celim svetom ispali zrtve jednog gradjanskog rata, nevinasca koja su se samo branila, goloruka i nenaoruzana.S druge strane Srbi su predstavljeni kroz raznorazne belosvetske medije kao divljaci, zlocinci, fasisti, rasisti i kako sve jos, i sad treba tim istim koji su nas oljagali u svetu da isporucujemo generale za zlocine koji su predimenzionirani i samim tim predajama generala priznajemo nesto sto nismo ucinili ili smo ucinili u daleko manjem obimu. A za uzvrat Amerikanci, Holandjani , Englezi...ce nastavit da emituju razne emisije o srpskim zlocinima,snimaju filmove o ratu po Bosni, Srpskom terorizmu gde se ti isti Srbi mal te ne stavljaju rame uz rame sa Nemcima za vreme drugog svetskog rata. U skolama ce se pisati nova istorija o 'najvecem' zlocinu nakon drugog svetskog rata u Srebrenici, o genocidu nad nevinim Albancima sa Kosova i sl.
Pa moja profesorica geografije pricajuci o najvecim teroristima i fasistima dvadesetog veka nabroja Hitlera, Musolinija i Slobu(glupa amerikanka), dok je s druge strane gos'n Izetbegovic (koga nam je Hecegovac u nekoliko navrata predstavo ovde na ovom topic-u, kako pisano tako i u slikama) ostao shatro nevin da je cak i bivsi predsednik SAD-a Bil Klinton dolazio da ga podseti pre nego sto je umro.
ve ih prodaj Dzajo, kupi nam Ronalda

Srebrenica "massacre"


Srebrenica - from Serbian to Muslim town
The basic facts carefully avoided by Western media: Srebrenica was founded by the Orthodox Serbs many centuries ago. Not one family was Muslim for centuries. How did it become Muslim majority town?

Srebrenica fell three times!
Overview of Srebrenica story. Srebrenica fell to Serbian hands three times during Bosnian civil war.

April 19, 1992 - The first Srebrenica surrender
In the very first days of Bosnian civil wars the Srebrenica Muslims promise not to fight and offer to surrender their weapons. The Serbs trust them and offer autonomy in return. The Muslims renege right away and start slaughtering Serb civilians. The West immediately takes Muslim side. The cycle "Food for Muslims - death for Serbs" may start to spin.

UN document: Slaughter of the Serbs near Srebrenica
Close to nothing of the Serbian suffering in Eastern Bosnia reached Western media despite the fact that there are official UN documents detailing it. The purposeful omission is result of the fact that the victims were the Serbs. Here presented official UN document shows, in detail, suffering of the Bosnian Serb population near Srebrenica at hand of Islam fundamentalists. The document covers period April 1992 - April 1993. The original U.N. document was scanned and is available in PDF form!

Western support of Srebrenica criminals
Here we concentrate on the events that preceded the second fall of Srebrenica. We are documenting some of the ways the West was implementing in order to help Islamic fanatics in Bosnia and Srebrenica criminals in particular.

April 18, 1993 - The second Srebrenica surrender
The Muslim front in Eastern Bosnia collapses - the Western allies jump in to save whatever is left. Srebrenica - the first U.N. "safe area" is born. The Serbs agree to its formation because it is the U.N. (actually NATO) troops who are to guarantee peace. More importantly they are also to completely disarm Srebrenica war criminals. The West purposely reneges on the signed agreement.


Protected murderers:

Disarming Srebrenica - meant the right to bring weapons
The signed agreements did not dry quite yet while NATO and their Islam allies understood the agreement as a right to strengthen, arm, equip and train Srebrenica war criminals. Bosnian Muslim generals openly admit that. It is those stupid Serbs who do not know how to read between the lines.

America arms Mujahedin safe heaven
Dutch Government study reveals that Clinton Administration took active role in helping organize covert shipment of arms from Iran, through Croatia to Bosnian Muslims. The peak of this activity were "Black Flights," over Muslim held airport in Tuzla. Big C-130 (Hercules) planes were secretly bringing large quantities to Tuzla airport. Local, helicopter flights would carry on the weaponry to Srebrenica and Zepa "demilitarized" zone.

Srebrenica 1993 - 1995: Mujahedin safe heaven
Not only was not Srebrenica demilitarized, as promised by Western mediators - it became safe area for Mujahedin murderers. Muslim thugs could leave the "safe area," murder and pillage surrounding Serbian villages - and then return to be protected by NATO soldiers dressed as "neutral" UN.

Free to rape
Muslim commander of Srebrenica, Naser Oric is absolute ruler of life in Srebrenica. He is not only free to terrorize Serbian population in nearby villages. He is free to terrorize anyone and everyone of Muslims who remained in Srebrenica. Master of life and death - for sure - he is also free to rape.

Pressure on Serbs to intervene
Throughout West recognized "Republics" the Serbian civilians are slaughtered with no punisment or justice of any sort. Only ten weeks before Serbian attack on Srebrenica "safe area" new Croat Nazis attack Serbs in "United Nations Protected Zone - West." The zone disapears from the map as the Croats use chlorine to clean Serbian blood off the roads. One of the places that falls to Croat Nazi hands is infamous Jasenovac place where more than half a million Serbs were slaughtered in WWII by Croat and Muslim butchers. The message is clear - the UN "safe zones" and "safe areas" mean nothing.

The last free slaughter of the Serbs
Less than three weeks before Srebrenica was to fall the Muslim thugs sneak out of "safe areas" and slaughter Serbs in nearby villages. This is last ditch effort to make the Serbs attack Srebrenica. The New York Times admits to the event while (as always) diluting its importance. The Srebrenica trap for the Serbs is wide open.


What really happened...

The event and its aftermath.

1995: Easy fall of Srebrenica
What started as a small scale operation by the Bosnian Serb forces turned out to be all-out fall of the "safe area." In this farce, NATO aviation, 450 NATO troops on the ground, and thousands of well armed Srebrenica Muslim soldiers supposedly could not stop 200 Bosnian Serb soldiers accompanied by five tanks.

Suicidal run!
Instead of defending itself, which was easy in this rugged terrain, 28th Muslim Srebrenica Division starts 100km long suicidal run across well defended Serbian positions. Thousands die in battles along the road.

UN officer explains
Portuguese Army officer and former UN Military Observer who was present in Bosnia during these events explains why sudden Muslim retreat was insane. He also sees how this Srebrenica fighters' carnage was used as a key political leverage against the Bosnian Serbs. The Serbs themselves fell into Srebrenica suicide trap.

Srebrenica women and children, in Serbian hands
Srebrenica Muslim war criminals abandon their wifes and children and leave them to fall to the Serbian hands. Would Serbs use the occasion to revenge their women and children? Some Western nations would. Not the Serbs. The Serbs have a very strict code of behavior.

Clinton needs 5,000 Muslim victims!
...And Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic, tries his best to provide. What happened to "Srebrenica men and boys?" Was that a genocide? Was the armed column of Srebrenica's 28th division a military target?

Hiding survivors
For the American taste, too few Srebrenica Muslims died during the suicide run. The Western allies of Srebrenica fanatics try to hide the survivors by sending them to foreign countries. Their names, though, remain on the list of "slaughtered." This is but one of many methods to boost the numbers of dead in order to forward the "genocide" story.

Srebrenica hoax!
Dutch officers tell the true story as Dutch newspaper investigates what happened in Srebrenica that July 1995. It was Dutch military that had a task of protecting Srebrenica "safe area."

"Srebrenica was a sacrificial lamb"
The surviving Srebrenica Muslim party official claims that Muslim leadership in Sarajevo purposely played with lives of Srebrenica Muslims. Why were these lives sacrificed?

Srebrenica - it was a trap!
Different non-Serb sources which include Bosnian Muslims themselves point to the same: It was a trap. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's report claims that Islamic leadership knew beforehand "that a NATO intervention in Bosnia and Herzegovina was possible, but could only occur if the Serbs were to break into Srebrenica, killing at least 5,000 of its people."

Srebrenica as excuse for all-out Serb cleansing
Fall of Srebrenica was used as an excuse for NATO savage bombing of Bosnian Serbs and all-out ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Krajina. The Serbs who survived Hitler are now - again - free to be slaughtered and cleansed. Only two weeks after Srebrenica, American trained Croat Nazis cleanse 250,000 Serbs from Krajina thus achieving their Nazi goal of forming ethnically "pure" Croat state.

Srebrenica dead - vote!
In the "election" stagged after Dayton "peace negotiation" 3010 "missing" Muslims from Srebrenica - vote! One more hoax upon hoax.


Srebrenica as propaganda tool:

Hopeless, desperate search for mass graves
Western experts dig far and wide in desperate attempt to find a cover for "mass murder" story. The activity only proves Srebrenica hoax.

The old number game
The propaganda tool where the West expresses outrage at supposed atrocity at one side of the globe while doing true atrocities at the other was used over and over - but Western minds are brainwashed to total blindness. People are incapable to see the obvious.

"Srebrenica" - Code Word to Silence
"why... is the specter of Srebrenica being raised again and again? The answer is that this is an attempt to intimidate and silence the 'revisionists' who are questioning our failed foreign policy in the Balkans, a policy based on lies about atrocities in Bosnia and Kosovo and executed in violations of international law, the NATO treaty and the US Constitution." says American diplomat Stella Jatras.


Shocking finale:

America fights the same terrorists it armed
"The official Dutch inquiry into the 1995 Srebrenica 'massacre,' released in April 2002, contains one of the most sensational reports on western intelligence ever published. Officials have been staggered by its findings and the Dutch government has resigned... [Bosnian civil war] was one of dirtiest wars of the new world disorder. Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims - some of the same groups that the Pentagon is now fighting in 'the war against terrorism'." reveals Professor Aldrich for British Guardian.

American monument dedicated to Al Qaeda
The job is well done and NATO troops are to stay in the Balkans until forced out. Bill Clinton has armed, trained and equipped Al Qaeda. The jihad fighters were instrumantal in NATO's conquest. It was time to express gratitude. With American and Serbian money America built monument to Al Qaeda in Srebrenica. Bill Clinton came himself to bound to this monument enscribed in Arabic.


 Where am I? PATH:

 Book of facts

History of the Balkans

Big powers and civil wars in Yugoslavia
(How was Yugoslavia dismantled and why.)

Proxies at work
(Muslims, Croats and Albanians alike were only proxies of the big powers)

- Croats are resurrecting Nazi Croatia
-   Muslims are resurrecting Turkish Empire
- Kosovo Albanians are making Drug Haven

The Aftermath


The truth belongs to us all.
Feel free to download, copy and redistribute.

Last revised: October 16, 2004


Овдје је и линк да се за сваку главу пронађе одређен текст:


The Western injustice is brutal and swift. They have centuries of experience in dealing with lower race people. With the Aborigines.


On Sunday, August 27, 1995
US Assistant Secretary of State threatens that NATO should bomb the Bosnian Serbs to the negotiating table.

On Monday, August 28, 1995
less than 24 hours later, the Islam Fundamentalist allies of NATO oblige by staging yet another mass slaughter for the camera.

On Tuesday, August 29, 1995
U.S. officials blame the Serbs and push the U.N. to issue a "conclusive evidence" statement that the Serbs did it. (In the mean time they already set warplanes in place for "the punishment".

It took years too see wheter OJ Simpson is guilty or not, despite the evidence. It took 24 hours to sentence a whole nation to a NATO slaughter!

On Wednesday, August 30, 1995
NATO-Nazi attack and slaughter of the Serbs.

Russian officer says Serbs could not have done it
Member of the UN force makes analysis and proves that Serbs are not guilty


Portuguese officer said - Muslims did it
Yet another UN military observer points finger at the Muslims.


British, French officers say - Serbs are not guily
Only American officer sticks to the lie. When oredered to lie - American officers have no problem doing it.


American hero sees the trick
David H. Hackworth, the most decorated living American, sees that the charges against the Serbs were - bogus.


Sarajevo je bio nas grad. Niko ne zeli da kaze da je Sarajevo prodato a u stvari jeste. 3 godine su se nasi politicari zajebavali oko opkoljenog sarajeva i uzimali pare. jedno jaje kostalo je 5 maraka, kilo kafe 100 maraka, i to sve u dzepove srba. Jedina stvar me kod Muslimana jako cudi, a to da nece da priznaju da su opstali od pomoci koje su im ameri/evropljani doturali preko tunela koji je bio povezan sa aerodromom (koji je bio nas) . da nije bilo toga ljudi bi umirali masovno, sarajevo bi smrdelo na leseve, kao da je kuga. izmedju sarajeva i pala je postojao tunel dugacak 14 kilometara i tu su se alija i radovan dogovarali sta i kako. i sada ce neko da kaze, gde su pare od svih tih prodaja. te pare su na kipru. ovde se radi o par milijardi plus kamata. tim parama treba da otvorimo fabrike ili da vratimo dugove, ali verovatno ce to neki nas politicar da potrosi.

kad smo kod tebe hercegovce, moja pokojna baba je iz Hercegovine. Definitivno su najsposobniji i najzilaviji ljudi - Hercegovci. Prosle godine bio sam u Hercegovini. Mostar, Trebinje, Ljubinje... ja tamo nikako ne bih mogao ziveti. Kamen i nebo. Zemlja nije obradiva. Ubio bih se da zivim tamo.

Quote from: "KizaLion"ja tamo nikako ne bih mogao ziveti. Kamen i nebo. Zemlja nije obradiva. Ubio bih se da zivim tamo.


Једно питање за Кошпичара, без икаквих намјера, већ само због провјере информације, јер не пратим тв БиХ:

Да ли је истина да је мајка једног од шесеторице убијених показала слику тв. БиХ, на којој је он у униформи ткз. Армије БиХ, тј. алијине војске?

Ово сам добио путем мејла, па желим из прве руке да провјерим!!!

Kospicar kazes nasi igrali fudbal glvaom. Da nije to mozda reakcija na ono sto ste vi radili?


Bas kao i moje upise, oni koji nisu sposobni da ih shvate na pravi nacin - neka ih zaobilaze.

Quote from: "херцеговац"Једно питање за Кошпичара, без икаквих намјера, већ само због провјере информације, јер не пратим тв БиХ:

Да ли је истина да је мајка једног од шесеторице убијених показала слику тв. БиХ, на којој је он у униформи ткз. Армије БиХ, тј. алијине војске?

Ово сам добио путем мејла, па желим из прве руке да провјерим!!!

Danas u novinama pokazuje sliku ali samo glava(samo ta slika ostala) tako da se ne vidi dole tijelo, a cini mi se slika starija dok je mlad skroz(dijete). Inace na srpskoj tv su rekli da su 4-rica bili maloljetni, a ostala dvojica ispod 30god.

Quote from: "KizaLion"Sarajevo je bio nas grad. Niko ne zeli da kaze da je Sarajevo prodato a u stvari jeste....Jedina stvar me kod Muslimana jako cudi, a to da nece da priznaju da su opstali od pomoci koje su im ameri/evropljani doturali preko tunela koji je bio povezan sa aerodromom (koji je bio nas)

Tacno, 3 godine nisu nasi mogli nista prema Grbavici i Vracama, da bi na kraju Srbi sami otisli...nisu djabe otisli sigurno. Aerodrom je bio vas(na samom pocetku jos) dok nije dosao UN, kasnije su oni drzali kad je dolazila humanitarna, stranci i sl. A izlaz iz tunela je opet bio nas, pa preko Igmana(naseg uzeg dijela) ides pjeske i izadjes Pazaric, Tarcin, i dalje pa Zenica, tako da su odatle dovlacili hranu i ostalo. Taj tunel izmedju Pala i Sarajeva od 14km ne postoji, a da je bilo sjedanja i razmjenjivanja svega(alkohol cigare i sl), jeste, i to na obicnim linijama, sta ce im razni tuneli. Recimo ljudi su razmjenjivali ljude sa Grbavice na ovaj dio i obratno , koritom Miljacke za pare naravno.
Sokol to sto pitas je krug, uvijek se pita kad su oni nas, e hajmo mi njih, ako oni nas jebu ajmo mi njih i tako stalno u krug, ako su oni nas u Vozuci, sto mi njih ne bi u Srebrenici i sl. Vojska nek ratuje, strasno je kad se ubijaju(kolje, muce, siluju), civili, djeca, starci i sl.

Quoteako su oni nas u Vozuci, sto mi njih ne bi u Srebrenici i sl. Vojska nek ratuje, strasno je kad se ubijaju(kolje, muce, siluju), civili, djeca, starci i sl.

Приказали су и на нашој вечерас, ипак је у униформи, што не мијења ништа...

Филм "Насерови највећи хитови" гдје је Орић снимао клања и силовања српске нејачи по Братунцу...на жалост не могу да пребацим  на интернет, али ћу наћи начина да се то уради. ја немам технику за то!!!

A ti Kospicar vidim bez problema čitaš ćirilicu...to mi je malo čudno :zbunjen ,s' obzirom da znam da je niste učili u školi...

The UN Security Council Document:
2 June 1993

Distibution: GENERAL


Pages 1 - 21 of the document. Historical background. Serbian suffering of this region. Repeated hostility toward the Serbian population in and around Srebrenica this time, in 1990s. A list of recent Serbian victims, per village, of Muslim crime.

The list of Serbian victims
Pages 22 - 40 of the document. Bosnian Serbs from Srebrenica and the neighborhood murdered by Bosnian Muslims in the time period April 20, 1992 to April 5, 1993. The list states: The date of murder, victims first name, father's name (in parenthesis), last name, year of birth, place of birth, county.

Pages 41 - 51 of the document. General description of the crimes committed: Types of torture and murder, plunder of the Serbian property, cleansing of the Serbian population.

Muslim perpetrators
Pages 52 - 80 of the document. Bosnian perpetrators. Their full names, types of crime committed. Places and dates of the crime.

Victims' statements - part 1
Pages 81 - 104 of the document. The surviving Serbian victims tell, in their own words, what they went through and how they survived.

Victims' statements - part 2
Pages 105 - 132 of the document. Continuation: The surviving Serbian victims tell what they went through.

3010 "Missing" Muslims from Srebrenica - vote!  

The only place on Earth where this kind of miracle was possible was the NATO-created Bosnian Muslim state. The miracle was a direct result of Western method of "engineering democracy." Both the Western "democracies" and the Islam fundamentalists have rich tradition in lying. The end justify the means. This is how the "missing civilians" from Srebrenica were able to be both "unaccounted for" and still be able to vote in NATO-monitored Bosnian "elections" two years later!

The following is a partial list of 3010 "missing civilians" from Srebrenica who participated in the Bosnia's election and were on the OSCE voting lists.

The "paradox" was revealed to the OSCE and European Union by Dr. Dragan Kalinic, President of the Republika Srpska Parliament.

Srebrenica "dead people" who voted:  


1 Abdurahmanovic Nezir Ismet
2 Ademovic Ibrahim Kadir
3 Ademovic Ismet Mevludin
4 Ademovic Seban Saban
5 Adic Camil Sadik
6 Ahmetovic Avdo Dzevad
7 Ajsic Ramo Adem
8 Akagic Alia Sabahudin
9 Alemic Alaga Mensur
10 Alic Alaga Abaz
11 Alic Nezir Ahmo
12 Alic Semso Besim
13 Alic Dzemal Dzevad
14 Alic Ferid Fehim
15 Alic Feazo Halil
16 Alic Ohran Hasib
17 Alic Alija Hebib
18 Alic Mehmed Mujo
19 Alic Ibrahim Nezir
20 Alic Haso Nijaz
21 Alic Hajrudin Reuf
22 Alic Semso Sabahudin
23 Alic Adem Samir
24 Alic Sukrija Sead
25 Alic Sukrija Seid
26 Alic Jusuf Senahid
27 Alihodzic Camil Ramadan
28 Alispahic Hamdija Enver
29 Alispahic Omer Mujo
30 Aljic Ismet Nijaz
31 Aljic Suljo Sabahudin
32 Aljic Junuz Salko
33 Aljic Suljo Seval
34 Aljic Abdulah Zijad
35 Atic Safet Ibro
36 Atic Ibro Smajo
37 Avdic Maso Alija
38 Avdic Omer Almir
39 Avdic Kadrija Bajazit
40 Avdic Mustafa Fazlija
41 Avdic Idriz Hajrudin
42 Avdic Alija Hajrudin
43 Avdic Nezir Kadir
44 Avdic Dzemail Nevzet
45 Avdic Avdo Ramiz
46 Avdic Dzemal Refik
47 Avdic Hasan Smail
48 Avdic Smajo Suljo
49 Bajramovic Suljo Azem
50 Bajramovic Ikan Nedzad
51 Bajramovic Ramo Nedzad
52 Bajramovic Alija Ohran
53 Bajramovic Ramo Semso
54 Becic Husein Hajrudin
55 Becic Ramo Ramiz
56 Becirovic Mustafa Abdulah
57 Becirovic Daut Dalija
58 Becirovic Ramo Juso
59 Becirovic Bahrija Nezir
60 Beganovic Meho Mersed
61 Begic Ibro Bego
62 Begic Ahmo Hajdin
63 Begic Salih Halid
64 Begic Saban Halid
65 Begic Alija Mehmedalija
66 Begic Salih Nezir
67 Begic Enez Nedzad
68 Begic Sacir Nusret
69 Begic Asim Zikrija
70 Begovic Ahmo Huso
71 Bektic Enes Dzelil
72 Bektic Jusuf Ejub
73 Bektic Adil Esed
74 Bektic Adem Ibrahim
75 Bektic Mustafa Jusuf
76 Bektic Sead Kiram
77 Bektic Mujo Munib
78 Bektic Salko Sakib
79 Bektic Ibrahim Sead
80 Bektic Nail Suad
81 BekticHuso Suad
82 Bektic Ahmo Sulejman
83 Bitinovic Abdulah Sabahudin
84 Bitinovic Abdulah Sevludin
85 Borogovac Nurdin Emir
86 Brdarevic Ahmo Admir
87 Brdarevic Camil Hamed
88 Brdarevic Taib Vahid
89 Budovic Huso Bajro
90 Buljubasic Ismet Bajro
91 Buljubasic Avdija Elvir
92 Buljubasic Ismet Hamdija
93 Buljubasic Avdija Hasan
94 Buljubasic Vehbija Mirsad
95 Buljubasic Avdija Senad
96 Bumbulovic Asim Adem
97 Bumbulovic Meho Fikret
98 Bumbulovic Omer Junuz
99 Bumbulovic Hasan Hasib
100 Bumbulovic Salih Husein
101 Buric Salih Rifet
102 Cakanovic Cazim Adis
103 Cakanovic Hilmo Cazim
104 Cakanovic Cazim Hazim
105 Camdzic Hasan Habib
106 Camdzic Mustafa Resid
107 Camdzic Juho Samir
108 Catic Husein Junuz
109 Catic Osman Semo
110 Civic Zuhdo Hedib
111 Cvrk Hasan Meho
112 Dautbasic Avdo Sacir
113 Dautovic Alaga Azem
114 Delic Selim Azem
115 Delic Alija Ejub
116 Delic Edhem Ekrem
117 Delic Hasan Enes
118 Delic Selim Eniz
119 Delic Hamed Hajrudin
120 Delic Hasan Ibro
121 Delic Habib Izet
122 Delic Enes Kadrija
123 Delic Meho Sead
124 Delic Ohran Zijad
125 Delic Salcin Taib
126 Dervisevic Bego Bekto
127 Dervisevic Idriz Vahdet
128 Divovic Hakija Elvedin
129 Divovic Ramo Salko
130 Dizdarevic Avdo Haso
131 Dizdarevic Hedib Huso
132 Djogaz Hasan Nusret
133 Djogaz Salcin Salko
134 Djogaz Ahmo Vahid
135 Djozic Mensur Esad
136 Djozic Senusica Fuad
137 Djozic Asim Mensur
138 Djozic Alija Sadik
139 Djozic Edhem Semir
140 Dudic Husein Ibro
141 Dudic Husein Sadik
142 Durakovic Haso Alija
143 Durakovic Miralem Musan
144 Durakovic Haso Sead
145 Dzananovic Dzemal Azem
146 Dzananovic Nezir Dzemal
147 Dzananovic Nezir Ibrahim
148 Dzananovic Hikrija Mujko
149 Dzananovic Juso Mirzet
150 Dzananovic Avdo Mustafa
151 Dzananovic Kasim Zikret
152 Dzanic Ibro Edin
153 Djogaz Mustafa Omer
154 Djogaz Salko Salcin
155 Djozic Huso Beriz
156 Efendic Husein Avdo
157 Efendic Hajrulah Bahrudin
158 Efendic Fadil Mesud
159 Efendic Husein Mevludin
160 Efendic Resid Resid
161 Ejubovic Alija Amir
162 Ejubovic Ibrahim Avdo
163 Ejubovic Muharem Behadil
164 Ejubovic Alija Ejub
165 Ejubovic Ibro Ibrahim
166 Ejubovic Mehmedalija Mehmed
167 Ejubovic Mehmedalija Mevlid
168 Feazic Fadil Mustafa
169 Feazic Nezir Nesib
170 Feazic Ibrahim Saban
171 Feazic Sakib Safet
172 Feazic Ahmet Sakib
173 Feazic Orhan Senaid
174 Gabeljic Suljo Abid
175 Gabeljic Rasid Asim
176 Gabeljic Rasid Atif
177 Gabeljic Juso Avdo
178 Gabeljic Azim Fahrudin
179 Gabeljic Hasim Hamdija
180 Gabeljic Azem Hasan
181 Gabeljic Rasim Huso
182 Gabeljic Suljo Ibro
183 Gabeljic Ibrahim Jusuf
184 Gabeljic Abdulah Meho
185 Gabeljic Atif Mustafa
186 Gabeljic Nezir Nijaz
187 Gabeljic Husein Ramiz
188 Gabeljic Hasan Sead
189 Gabeljic Rasim Zijad
190 Garaljevic Enes Enver
191 Garaljevic Mehmed Sakib
192 Gurdic Ahmet Ahmo
193 Gurdic Ahmo Mesud
194 Gurdic Bego Sadik
195 Hadzibulic Bajro Mevludin
196 Hadzibulic Teufik Bajro
197 Hafizovic Ahmet Vahid
198 Hajdarevic Alaga Kadrija
199 Haadarevic Sukrija Mehmed
200 Haadarevic Sukrija Mirzet
201 Hakic Vejsil Elvir
202 Hakic Hamdija Nurdin
203 Hakic Hajro Nurdin
204 Hakic Ramiz Senad
205 Halilovic Abid Halid
206 Halilovic Himzo Hamid
207 Halilovic Bajro Ibro
208 Halilovic Alija Mehmedalija
209 Halilovic Omer Memis
210 Halilovic Junuz Mirsad
211 Halilovic Safet Mustafa
212 Halilovic Osmo Nurdih
213 Halilovic Huso Rasid
214 Halilovic Idriz Saban
215 Halilovic Saban Sado
216 Halilovic Memis Samir
217 Halilovic Izet Seadalija
218 Halilovic Ibro Sulejman
219 Halilovic Halid Zijad
220 Halilovic Nurif Zurijet
221 Hamzic Aljo Mevlid
222 Hamzic Ahmet Mirsad
223 Hamzic Salih Salcin
224 Hanic Redzep Selim
225 Harbas Ragib Sakib
226 Hasankovic Hasan Nedzad
227 Hasanovic Amil Alaga
228 Hasanovic Huso Edhem
229 Hasanovic Zahir Esed
230 Hasanovic Juso Hajdin
231 Hasanovic Seafo Hajro
232 Hasanovic Ahmet Hamdija
233 Hasanovic Hasan Hamdija
234 Hasanovic Hasan Hazim
235 Hasanovic Salcin Jusuf
236 Hasanovic Ibrahim Mehmed
237 Hasanovic Alija Mehmedalija
238 Hasanovic Ramo Meho
239 Hasanovic Ibrahim Mevludin
240 Hasanovic Ramo Mirsad
241 Hasanovic Hamed Nermin
242 Hasanovic Selman Saban
243 Hasanovic Kadrija Semir
244 Hasanovic Hakija Senad
245 Hasanovic Husein Senahid
246 Hasanovic Alaga Suljo
247 Hasanovic Dzemal Vahdet Fahret
248 Hasic Mustafa Osman
249 Hirkic Maho Ahmo
250 Hirkic Bajro Behadil
251 Hirkic Halid Beris
252 Hirkic Suljo Halid
253 Hirkic Osman Jusuf
254 Hirkic Ahmo Maho
255 Hirkic Husein Sabahudin
256 Hodzic Husein Farid
257 Hodzic Mujo Abdulah
258 Hodzic Kadir Aziz
259 Hodzic Suljo Fikret
260 Hodzic Salko Husein
261 Hodzic Sahmo Sabit
262 Hodzic Sahim Smail
263 Hotic Sead Samir
264 Hotic Hasan Sead
265 Hozbo Muradif Sakib
266 Hrustanovic Ismet Hazim
267 Hrustanovic Ismet Rifet
268 Hrustanovic Ahmo Tahir
269 Hrustic Sahim Azem
270 Hublic Ibrahim Hazim
271 Hublic Fadil Teufik
272 Hukic Husein Ahmet
273 Hukic Gajibija Edhem
274 Hukic Redzo Esed
275 Hukic Tahir Mujo
276 Hukic Hajdin Senad
277 Huremovic Hasib Mehmed
278 Huremovic Mesan Samir
279 Huseinovic Omer Emir
280 Huseinovic Nezir Mirsad
281 Huseinovic Izet Suljo
282 Huseanagic Fehim Redzep
283 Huseanovic Atif Hajrudin
284 Huseanovic Omer Ismet
285 Huseanovic Ibro Munib
286 Huseanovic Hajrudin Nermin
287 Huseanovic Ibrahim Osman
288 Husic Mujo Bahjija
289 Husic Hasan Esad
290 Husic Mujo Himzo
291 Husic Ibrahim Mehmed
292 Husic Mehmed Mujo
293 Ibisevic Salih Bekir
294 Ibisevic Ibis Ekrem
295 Ibisevic Ahmo Samir
296 Ibisevic Salih Sead
297 Ibisevic Sevko Sefedin
298 Ibisevic Salih Seid
299 Ibrahimovic Dzemal Bego
300 Ibrahimovic Omer Dzemail
301 Ibrahimovic Omer Dzemal
302 Ibrahimovic Nefail Emir
303 Ibrahimovic Haso Enver
304 Ibrahimovic Zuhdo Hasib
305 Ibrahimovic Omer Haso
306 Ibrahimovic Ahmet Ibrahim
307 Ibrahimovic Dzemal Kemal
308 Ibrahimovic Zuhrijet Mevlid
309 Ibrahimovic Fikret Mirzet
310 Ibrahimovic Mehmed Muhamed
311 Ibrahimovic Nuria Nedzad
312 Ibrahimovic Nuria Nurdin
313 Ibrahimovic Zulfo Sabahudin
314 Ibrahimovic Ahmet Sahman
315 Ibrahimovic Smail Semso
316 Ibrahimovic Zaim Zahir
317 Idrizovic Salko Hasan
318 Imsirevic Arif Muharem
319 Jahic Ramo Hasib
320 Jahic Mehmed Saib
321 Jahic Salko Vehbija
322 Jakubovic Nezir Bego
323 Jakubovic Husein Ekrem
324 Jakubovic Esed Amir
325 Jasarevic Ismet Ahmet
326 Jukic Hadzo Irfan
327 Jukic Mehmed Mehmedalija
328 Junuzagic Zahir Mirza
329 Jusic Mustafa Mujo
330 Jusic Mujo Munir
331 Jusic Hasib Sadik
332 Jusic Juso Sulejman
333 Jusufovic Salcin Camil
334 Jusufovic Salcin Ramiz
335 Kabilovic Salko Mehmed
336 Kabilovic Bego Nesib
337 Kadric Juso Jusuf
338 Kadric Sado Kadrija
339 Kadric Kadrija Nurdin
340 Kadric Kadrija Nurija
341 Kalic Hamid Bekir
342 Kalic Idriz Muris
343 Kandzetovic Bekto Behaja
344 Kardasevic Ramo Mehan
345 Klancevic Halid Sead
346 Klempic Sevko Amir
347 Klempic Edhem Kadrija
348 Klempic Muso Zulfo
349 Krdzic Ramo Behudin
350 Krdzic Baro Izet
